Glyn Smithson

I have worked for over 17 years in the health and social care setting, almost entirely around addiction and complex mental and behavioral health.
When considering the role of Global Partnership Manager at INTENTA, the ‘addiction therapist in me’ questioned whether I would learn anything from the Gaming Disorder Clinical Training due to my expertise working with gaming disorder clients.
I was therefore surprised by how much the training increased my understanding, skills, and knowledge.
I gained greater insights of the gamers’ complete immersion in the online world to either escape, block, or stimulate through different types of games or mediums.
It reinforced the potential dangers that are available with the click of a button or a slide of a phone, especially when these spaces become safer than real life. Life as a rule, can be difficult, challenging, and uncomfortable but particularly so amidst a global pandemic.
The training has been a positive experience both personally, to develop and change my thinking, and professionally to enhance my practice as a therapist and enable me to share the training with individuals and organizations.
I’m proud to be a part of ‘what’s to come’ in an ever-changing and developing world of technology. INTENTA is tech+, therefore gaming and technology have a place, however, for the 3% at-risk gamers this much needed training provides support to vulnerable families and access to locally trained professionals.